Total Immersion

Swim better, faster and easier!

When you commit to a series of TI lessons, you will learn to approach your swimming with an attitude and expectation of continuous improvement through the introduction of new skills, drills and focal points at each session. Starting with balance, streamlining, and propulsion and working your way through stroke development and speed, lessons will be tailored to your pace and needs. TI will give you the tools you need to be a more efficient swimmer.


Balance means ‘in harmony with the water.’ It’s also the foundation without which skilled movement is impossible — on land and in water. Balance provides both physical control and mental calm by replacing semi-panicky reflexes with the possibility to sort thoughtfully through choices that impact every skill step that follows. If you tire while running, you can always walk. Balance gives swimmers a ‘walking option.’


Streamlining comes in two forms. In Passive Streamlining, the simpler of the two, you shape your body to be longer, sleeker, more hydrodynamic. In Active Streamlining, you stroke in ways that move your body forward, rather than moving the water around. Your greatest energy savings – and therefore increases in both endurance and speed — come from Streamlining.


Propulsion in the TI Method means to direct ‘available’ forces, rather than generating muscular forces. Gravity and body mass are a ‘free’ source of power, which can minimize reliance on muscular force. You then convert Force (horsepower) into Locomotion by concentrating on holding water, rather than moving water back.

What is TI?

Total Immersion Freestyle is a foolproof approach to fishlike swimming which brings results faster than conventional methods and produces a fluent, efficient and beautiful technique. TI teaches you to swim with the effortless grace of fish by becoming one with the water.

What can you learn in a TI lesson series?

Because we rebuild your freestyle from its very foundation, all swimmers – even those with years of experience learn new skills.

  • Newer swimmers learn to bypass months of frustration and swim smart from the start.
  • Fitness swimmers learn the healthiest way to swim.
    Mature swimmers (including Masters) learn they can improve at any age.
  • Triathletes learn to work less and swim better (helping your cycling and running too).

Why learn TI?

TI has literally been life-changing for thousands of adults, overcoming years of frustration and creating confident, accomplished – even passionate – swimmers. Experienced and accomplished swimmers also come away with something invaluable – an understanding of what works and why in swimming. For all, TI instruction ensures that every hour of swimming… for the rest of your life… will bring greater pleasure and improvement.

How is TI unique?

Traditional instruction teaches you to swim like a land-dweller – arms windmilling and legs churning. TI is the only program that teaches “fishlike” swimming – balanced, streamlined and smooth. TI coaches are committed to providing demonstration and in-water and hands-on assistance. We start with simple skills and movements and progress by small, easily mastered steps. We will also use above and below water video, which is a wonderful learning tool.

Interested In A Workshop?

If you are willing to join our regular workshops feel free join.